Fri 10 Jan
YOUR ♥▊♥FANTASY Fun Girl ♥▊♥▊HOT BABE 🌻🌻🌻🌻💯FREAKY 🌻🌻🌻🌻Ready 2 Play🌻🌻🌻🌻Out/in - 25
(Spring Field surrounding areas, Springfield)
💲💲💲🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋🍒🍒🍒FuN TiMeS WiTh 2 BeAuTiEs WoRtH yOuR WhILe So WhAt U wAiTiNg 4? 🍒🍒🍒💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹💲 - 23
(Springfield, springfield mo)
•F• __ •I• __ •R• __ •E• __ •C• __ •R• __ •A• __ •C• __ •K• __ •E• __ •R• - 28
(Springfield, Incall & Outcall Avaliable North)
------------ Certified && Highly Recommended Hottie ------------ Today && Tomorrow Only---------- - 28
(Springfield, 100% Real, veifified and HIGHLY reviewed)
Discrete casual Encounters Escort Service is under new name and new management - 21
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
**BrAnD NeW BoYs!! ~Monika~ And Ready 2 Play&Please;! SeXxi Blonde!!** - 27
(Springfield, FLW incall)
BaCk On DeMaNd! *NiKKi* UnFoRgEttAbLe LaborDay $pEcIaLz! ** UP ALLNIGHT! ** BeAuTiFuL** ExOtIc MiX - 26
(Springfield, *+*SpRiNgFiELd&SuRR.aReAs;*+*)
*{150}SP*-* LOOKS☆ GOOD☆ FEELS ☆ EVEN ☆ BETTER **{150}SP* - 21
♥◆▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ♥β£AUtiFUL βL0ND3♥╠╣ERE TØ §ATi§F¥♥ [§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U]♥ - 23
(Springfield, incall-outcall near route 66)
All you can want but couldnt have... Is Only a call away.. $70 specail thur & Fri - 25
+++You +++Can++Stop++ Looking++ Pureto Rican ++Destini and Beautiful jazzy - 21
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
~*~ VERY ~*~ TALENTED ~*~ MISS ~*~ S*Q*U*I*R*T ~*~ S*Q*U*I*R*T ~*~ (my new number) - 25
(Springfield, Mt. Vernon, Branson)
last day leaving @ NOON TOMORROW 50hr special incall and outcall - 33
(Springfield, north spgfld/ branson)
L(O)(O)KING 4 a QUALITY Reviewed Provider? ☎ CALL ME! WEEK END SPECIALS!! - 25
(incall..outcall all areas!)
I'm Looking For All The Wild and fun in The Sun Gentleman my wild Sexy side u will love - 22
let's ..special n Springfield.. serious respectable gentleman only - 22
(Springfield, Springfield battlefield rd in calls only)
★LOOK••••►HeRrE 75 Incall SPECIAL TILL 2:00 am ❤ ▄ ❤ 1st time in your city* ❤▄▄❤ CLi - 26
(Springfield, South Springfield)
100 SPECIAL -:¦:- Juicy Booty -:¦:- Thick Thighs -:¦:- **GREAT REVIEWS** - 30
(SPFLD and surrounding)
2 hot & tempting Beautiful Girls. Not just for show. We R the Best Baby - 24
(Springfield, Springfield play mates)
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄ - 21
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Work From Home)
★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄100$ specials★ ❤ ▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ •♥• CoME SEE ME •♥• Dont Miss OUT •♥• ❤ ▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ ★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★ - 23
100 NEW Exotic Beauty w/ Carmel Juicy Booty + Hour Glass Frame 100 FREAK FRiDAY SPECiAL - 69
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
Ready to have some fun♡♡♡♡ .... - 26
(Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, Springfield, MO, St Joseph, St. Louis)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D_____ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - - 33
First Time in Springfield! Highly Reviewed& Highly Recommended! Sexy, Sweet DeliciousDawn!~ - 25
Do U remember The Last Time You Felt CHILLS GODOWN Your Spine? INDULGE In a SpOnTaNeOuS Escape - 19
(Springfield, Ft. Wood St Robert)
SEXY SANDY. ...!!!NEW PICS!!! ((( Available for Appointments ))) - 45
(Springfield, 30 minutes east of springfield)
Thu 09 Jan
i'M aLL aLoNe! cOm pLaYw/mE! $80$pEcIaLs aLLdAy &nIgHt;! dOn'T mIsSoUt! *eager2please* - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,Mo)
SEXY SANDY. ... ((( Saturday and Sunday available ))) - 46
(35 mins.EAST OF SPRINGFIELD,MO, Springfield)
ŅËŴⓢpcl🚨 Mⓤⓢt See 👀 Mⓤⓢt Have MⓤⓢT Do βye βye το🚫FAKE GIRLS WITH👎 FAKE PICS!!!🚫🎯100% RECENT REAL👏 - - 19
*FLW* Ms. JUICy BOOTy! •-:¦:- • SEXi FACe • -:¦:- • THICk THIGHs *REVIEWS! - 30
(FLW and Surrounding)
[B€§† CH♥iC€] ØN€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€S] 150 Outcalls - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 150 Out Special)
☆★A BEAUTY upscale ♡♥ lovable sexy and the FREAKIEST** your EROTiC enjoyment - 24
(St. Louis, outs /incal)
★ ★ ★ # ❶ W¡LÐ ÂNÐ Fr€aky ★ €xOTiC ~ CuT!€ ★ LEAVING AT NOON! - 24
(Springfield, INCALL SPECIALS $100)
💋X~x~X Ñaughtÿ LATIÑA Lover¡ X~x~X💋 New to Springfield! Well reviewed & verified real! Prebook NÖW! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield!)
$weet $exy & $aucy.. I got everything you'll ever need and desire . Ms. Bethany 417-619-5439 - 25
(Springfield, $pringfield / Incall Only)
WEEKEND MADNESS $80 QK $120 HH 160H The real deal ! What you SEE is what you GET ! w/Megan - 24
(Springfield, south springfield)
☆ ;; VISITiNG :: ☆ EXOTiC MIX HiGHLY ReViewED!! - :: - - 23
Thick & Sexy 💋Juicy & Sweet 🍒Sexy & Sultry 💎 - 26
(Springfield, Springfield/ surrounding area OUTCALL)
::HoT& ReAdY 100% R E A L Y ME or F R E E ! FTWooD. HURRY hUrRY Come & PlAY ! ;) :: - 22
(Springfield, 24Hrs In/out FT.WOOD/St.Roberts area)