Thu 09 Jan
¨*•- :☆💙 I.. KN◯W.. JUST..💛 H◯W.. T◯... 💖MAKє ... Y◯U.. 💋SMϊLє! ★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆**** - 23 - 23 - 23
(Springfield, Springfield, St. Robert)
Hello gentleman im visiting springfield for the first time looking to make new friends 816-301-6070 - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo)
Double the pleasure, double the fun,have 2 milfs not one - 42
(Springfield, Springfield..will travel to you)
♡♥☆★ Busty Brunette ♡♥ GET TREATED LIKE A KING ☆★ Forget about the rest! I'M THE BEST! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield south)
celebrate the fourth with this hottie lets go out with a bang 40 special (660)822~5691 - 35
★COME __ ★ _PLAY_ ★WITH- MY-36DDs *¨¨* FORT WOOD = SPECIALS - 26
(Springfield, FORT WOOD, ST ROBERTS)
★ D_O_N_T_* _T_A_K_E_ * _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ Specials - 23
(Springfield, Springfield/branson)
fℓαωℓєѕѕ вєαυту σи ∂υту✦🎀 💖💎💕ρυRe ρℓ℮αδυRε💕τθρQυαℓιτy 💛★★ 💘 ABSOLUTELY SEXY💎💎 - - 29
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding)
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- (SPECIALS) - 20
(Springfield, Discreet Incall)
❤️Brunette Bombshell!! 💣 Spontaneous!! 💋 & curvy in all the right ✔️ places!!! 2 Girl Special - 23
♥==> (_!_)HIGHLY REVIEWED(_!_) SeXy *NaTuRaL RedHead* "FiRe" w/ Booty
(Springfield, Springfield(incall))
.·°available now in Springfield specials ✨°.·ms bella°• - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding)
$60 hh incall specials.... , Kinky, girl who knows your ~ needs and ~ desires .... - 25
(Springfield, Springfield incall/ outcall)
Brown**Sugar** X°Clusive **Bubble**Butt Cutie! LISA LeWiNsKi€€€€€ Muah!! AvAiLaBlE 24/7 - 27
(Springfield, springfield in/out)
Ever watched a hot chick peg or do a man? or wanna see any thing you desire ? skype is great! - 25
#1 in 417 land. I DARE you to find any better! Always on top of my game. Will B1@w your mind¥ - 40
$120out calls*¨* GREEN EYED BEAUTY!!!!!💋*•.¸¸💋 Wild & Fun•* 💋 call me ASAP!(417)988-8850 - 24
100 Special ☆ 5 STAR ☆ ★ Leggz & Curves Sexy Brunette Killer Body ★ ☆ - 27
80/125/175 Outcall Specials!! Call Sweet and Sexy Jamie 3144947155 - 33
(St. Louis, st. louis outcalls)
-&- Bella Starr is in town -&- Come get your fun! Specials all night long 80$ for 1/2 - 25
(Springfield, springfield area)
ARRIVING 1/17/12 [★] ExTreMeLy HoT GerMen PlaYmAte [★] PHOENIX JAE [★] - 20
(Springfield, headed your way)
[B€§† CH♥iC€] ØN€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€S] 150 Outcalls - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 150 Out Special)
° ☆°´•♬ °{80}´•♬♩ ☆(★ KC's ßRUN€TTE ßÂRßI€ is BÂCK ★)☆ °´•♬° ☆ (☆On My N@ughtiest Beh@vior!!☆) ♪º♬° - 24
(Springfield, [» 💋 SpRiNgFiElD 💋«])
Bad Asx ¥ellow βone√ cause I'm sweet n 💦like honey! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,and surrounding area branson)
$90 Specials..Are You Ready 4 Freaky Thursday W!th The 1 & Only Lilly - 20
(South Spfld & Surrounding Areas, Springfield)
↑ 4 $um pl€a$urable playtime? outcalls spfd & surrounding - 37
(Springfield, out calls Spfd & surrounding)
100__ :::B__ U __ S__ T__ Y :::___ ☆ BRUNETTE ☆___ :::B__ O__ M__ B__ S__H__ E __L __L::100+ - - 26
(Springfield, IN AND OUTCALLS)
1OO% ReaL -Gorgeous petite 34ds Top Notch- Girl Next Door - 24
(Springfield, Springfield IN/OUTcalls Tonight Only)
$40/60/$80 !!! SpECIals *NeW PiCs SeXy FrEaKy BlOnDe ReAdy To RoCK Your World !! !!! - 33
(St. Louis, *In and Out Calls. All OvEr All Nite)
☆★A BEAUTY upscale ♡♥ lovable sexy and the FREAKIEST** your EROTiC enjoyment - 24
(St. Louis, outs /incal)
❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ {80} ❤ BEST ❤ »-★» ❤ EXPERIENCE ❤ »-★-» ❤ EVER ❤ {80} ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield ㋡)
★ YOU Will L♥VE My Skills .. GOREGOUS BRUNETTE BEAUTY .. All You Need & More ★ - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
💋Young ✅ Thick ✅Freaky✅ SEXY✅Brunette 🌺Molly is the Name👠READY Rite Now‼️💋 - 21
(Springfield, Springfield / Branson)
l❤ ❤•• ❤ ▃ ▂❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ l❤ ❤•• ❤ - 26
(913 605 2094 South Kansas City, Kansas City)
💋X~x~X Ñaughtÿ LATIÑA Lover¡ X~x~X💋 New to Springfield! Well reviewed & verified real! Prebook NÖW! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield!)
🎂🍰🍬🍭§€xY ßu§Ty BruNett€ fit 4 A King --~»> Før Yøu® Pl€Å§URÊ Ønly ((100$ Special)) - 25
(Springfield, INCALL)
•★• W€LL R€Vi€W€D •°°•► {70} 2DaY OnlY •★• AVAIL. 24/7 •★• KC'S PiNT SiZ€D HoTTi€ •★• - 24
(Springfield, IN & OUTS * 913/231/9673)
XoXo __ ☆ GoRgeoUs ( ßUST¥ ) ♥ BRuNeTt€ ßUNN¥ ( *1OO% LEGIT* ) ☆ __ XoXo - 26
(Columbia/Jeff City, CoMo in/out)
Well reviewed... KC's #1 soft SWEET treat.. long legs.. tight round tush.. Pretty face!! - 27
(Kansas City, your place or mine)
ೋ•* Y.O.U.R _❤_ P.E.R.F.E.C.T _❤_ C.H.O.I.C.E ೋ Leaving Tomorrow!! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield in & out)
$weet $exy & $aucy.. I got everything you'll ever need and desire . Ms. Bethany 417-619-5439 - 25
(Springfield, $pringfield / Incall Only)
You can only get the BEST SPECIALs from the BEST!!!! - 23
Your Best Playtoy with a Nice Petite Body VISITING !!! (IN or OUT)I Am The Ultimate Experience - 27
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
*~*Y_O_U _R *~* S _E_ X_Y *~* L_I_T_T_L_E *~* S_E_C _R_E_T*~* 80.00!!!! - 23
(Springfield, Spfld I call south side)
☆$wEEt@$eXy eXoTiC hOttiE☆@m@ziNg cUrVe$♥& @BaNgiN @$$ bOdY♥→ WkEnD $pecialz aVaiLNOW!← - 28
(Springfield, SFLD&surr;☆→iN/oUtCaLL$←AVAIL NOW!)
wonderful personality.. amazing skillz.. openminded.. out calls only spfd n surrounding - 35
(Springfield, Out calls spfd n surrounding areas)
*★• ToP NoTcH!! •★• SeXy bLoNdE - •★• {(ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!)} 100 special - 22
(Springfield, springfield area)
_( ViSiTiNG! )—^♥^—( iRRESiSTABLE! )—^♥^—( HEART-STOPPiNG! )—^♥^—( BRUNETTE) Available NoW!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in & out)
Treat yourself New√ Exotic√ Hot√ Fun√ °°*Platnium Blonde*°° - 23
(Springfield, << Look Here One Sweet Juicy booty)
*UnRuShEd ^ UnFoRgEtTaBLe ^ 100%REALpix *SiNcErE^ CoMpAnIoNsHiP - 26
(Springfield, SpRnGfLd InCaLL/OuCaLLs(appt.only))