Fri 03 Jan
💋💋💋° W_A_Y _ 💋💋💋•° T_O_O 💞❤💛 [-S-] [-E-] [-X-] [-Y-] __ T_O ___M_I_S_S 💖💖 °100 specials - 26
🎉This is your👉🏻 invitation SPECIALS 🎟 to Happiness 👅 - 23
(Spfld and surrounding cities, Springfield)
SweeT Petite Little Treat PerKy Bøøbies & SMøkiN HøT BøDy Visiting - 24
(Springfield, springfield area)
TAJA ~~ My last night here guys. Wanna see me 2nite? Call me now. Thank U all & I'll B back! :)) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield / In&Outcall;)
SpEcAiLs wItH A DiRtY ★*Blonde ♥ ƸӜƷ ♥★* AVAILABLE NOW ♥ ƸӜƷ No RuSh - 28
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson, Will Travel)
U know u want to,I'm a phone call away up 417-429-6553 - 49
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
° ❀° ° ❀The complete package!°❀ ° ❀°SULTRY, SEDUCTIVE & SKILLED °one and only ! - 21
(Springfield, The Shops at Bass Pro)
SEXY SANDY. ...!!!NEW PICS!!! ((( Back In Town ))) - 45
(Springfield, 35 mins.outside springfield hwy 60 east)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛ NEW ⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿BRUNETTE✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛HOTT ✿⎛ - 30
(Springfield, OUTCALL ONLY)
(Springfield, South Springfield Incalls/Outcalls)
TreaT __ YourselF __ To __ A ---> ( FLaWLESS___ BrUNeTTe ___ PLayMaTE) 1000% REAL __ NeW pICs - 27
(Springfield, Central Springfield In/Outcalls)
ViSiTiNG! ღ•° •CuTE & CLaSsYღ•°❤ BReAtHTAkiNG NATIVE❤ღ•° • SwEET & DiScReeT! ღ• AVAiLAbLE NOW! - 22
👠💋♥️Tired of the HO hum? THE KATEE, real,LOCAL with unequivocal reviews. - 43
(Springfield, Springfield LOCAL)
~*~ The ~*~ Best ~*~ Doctor ~*~ In Town ~*~ With The Best Talent !!!!! ~*~ - 25
(Springfield,Mt. Vernon, Branson,)
.{ Superbad }§¥§{ Super sexee}$$*$$Come be bad with me##$$## - 32
(Springfield, Springfield Missouri)
((SwEEt)) as ((CaNdY)) and ((HOTT)) as ((FIRE))...TiMe with ME is TiMe well $pent!! - 34
(Columbia/Jeff City, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, St Joseph, WHERE DO YOU WANT ME??)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, everywhere)
ThE PeRfEcT PLaYmaTe *+*OnE Of A KiNd* aMaZiNg* BeAuTiFuL *ExOtIc* ErOtIc VIP $peCiaLz all night! - 26
(Springfield, +*+SoUtHsIdE*SFLD*+*In/OuTcaLLz)
»——» Super [ *H0T ♥ Red Head ♦ ”BARBiE ] ♣ H0T FUN ♠♠ 417.631.4664 (ALL NatURaL )♣♣♠♠ - 26
(Springfield, ♥♥ outcall ♥♥)
T_A_K_E __o ♥ o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o ♥ o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o ♥ o° _A_W_A_Y -SPECIAL - 20
(Springfield, Springfeild/Frt.Wood area)
stunning* * ex0tic playmate*
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
SFLDS Sweet Sexxi (SuPeRfReAk) bK N sPfLd!☆ UnRuShEd ☆ R U ↑ 4 SuM FuN? AvAiL NoW!(outcalls) - 28
(Springfield, SfLd /Joplin/BrNsN☆InCaLLz☆oUtCaLLs)
Sierra Jones ~ Sexy Sweet Passionate Beauty* * * * * Petite Treat! * * * * * BrandNew Pics - 23
the perfect choice to satisfy any craving!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
°°√ Try Me Baby I Can Assure You That You Will Be Satisfied √°° Ask About Specials - 23
(Springfield, South Springfield)
SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY **•★ AlL mE ClAsSy not TrAsHy ✹ *¨¨*:•.★ SpEcIaLs - 29
(Springfield, Springfield, and Surrounding)
•☆_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €_ ☆• iF §H€§ GOoD •☆• iM B€††€R ! - 20
(Springfield, Ft Leonard wood)
Tantalizing Talents has went back to Joplin!~ Come see what all the fuss is about!! Available Anyti - 46
(Joplin/Rangeline Rd off of I44, Springfield)
__ SUGAR__WALLS__ (* K *)_(* I *)_(* N *)_(* K *)_(* Y *) aVai LabLe nOwNEW - 22
(Springfield, IN/OUTCALL SOUTHSIDE Discreet)
SiNfUl PleAsUrEs & eRotiC tOuChEs! UnBeLiEvAbLe LiPs & AmAziNg hips!! *TRuCkEr fRieNdLy* - 28
(Spfld/ surrounding, Springfield)
Times A Ticking :) Don't Miss Out ~ Patience :) Leaving Soon!!! $60 Specials - 31
(Springfield, Bolivar, Mo(Private Residence))
Sexy! ~ Hot! ~ Ready to Please! ~ Just Arrived! ~ Available All Night! - 46
(Exit 80 Glenstone & I 44, Springfield)
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
♡ SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ✰ D0LL _FaC€d_ CuT¡€♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ NiC3 _ BoOt¥! - 22
(Springfield, Springfield ALL AREAR)
♥•°•Slim & Trim with A (( juicy booty)) •★•Sweet to the Core • ♥•° specials today - 26
(Springfield, spfld,branson,joplin incall & outcall)
The girl next door you've been dreaming of
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
◤♥◢ [SmOKiN hOt -CLICK HERE!!] •♥• [SWEET & PETITE] •♥• [BARBIE] ◤♥◢ - 20
(Springfield, springfield can travel)
(¯`'SpEcIaLs'´¯) T H E _ S E X I E S T _ I N _ T H E _ TOWN (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) - 27
(Springfield, Springfield MO, and surrounding areas)
███ ▬▬ ✖✖✖ ▬▬ •★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★• ▬▬✖✖✖▬▬ ███ - 26
(Springfield, IN/OUTZ)
*~*Specials tonite!!~* BlOnDe BoMbSheLl*~*UNrushed service! Petite GERMAN, IRISH playmate! - 24
(Springfield, springfield mo)
_ ^!^ SuPeR CuTe ^!^ _____ ~~So_AdorAbLe & SoFT ~~ _____ [ReaDY To PLaY]_____*NoW* - 27
(Springfield, springfield in/outcall)
i have been very naughty this year 40 for 15 min; 60 for 30min; 80 for 60 min LAST DAY in/out - 35
(Springfield, Springfield and branson)
💋💋 hey GUYS the incredibly sexy Candace IS BAAAACCCCKKKK!! HURRY AND COME SEE ME!! Im waiting!! ;) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
★.•☞HoT ★.•*GoRgEOuS FrEaKY GaBBY ☞★BaDDeST☞ CuRvY BOOOTY BABY ★ #1 PiC FeLLaS!! JuST ARRiVeD ✈✈ - 23
FREAKY BLONDE 😘Love to kiss😘Classy😘Let's have fun😘No rush - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)