Mon 27 Jan
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y_____ W'I'L'D_____ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - 35
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» 80HhR iN. EaRlY BiRd SpEcIaL - 28
(Springfield, South SPFD location In/Outcalls 24/7)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» WeLL ReVieWeD ——» WaITinG 4 YoU! - 29
(Springfield, South Spfd In/Outcalls)
***Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(private/ upscale Incall location, Springfield)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» 100 HhR iNCaLL - 28
(Springfield, South SPFD location In/Outcalls 24/7)
Petite Young 🍒Sweetheart---✅ Reviewed___college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(Incall- Private location discreet, Springfield)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ ___ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - 34
(springfield outcalls)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe » KiLLeR CuRVEs » AMaZiNg sKiLLs » 100 Half iNcaLL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» WeLL ReVieWeD ——» WaITinG 4 YoU! - 28
(Springfield, Central Spfd In/Outcalls)
Oooo BaBY I'm WorTH iT!ThiCK & SExY.. IS BaCK in ToWn ! 💋🍒💋TruCKeR FrieNdLY - 26
(Springfield, Springfield/ OUTCALL &&&& INcALl)
Im bAck 'S'E'X'Y ___ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ _ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - 34
Sun 12 Jan
✄--80-- CUT Out The FAKES & Just See ME ✄ - ★ PRETTY FACE & NiCe BOOTY★ - 19
(Springfield, my place)
________ °C°_°A° _°N° ___ °Y °_°O°_° U ° __ °H°_°A °_°N °_°D °_°L °_° E° _°U_S*__ ______ - 21
NEW!🌴eXoTic🌀Courtesan/ CC accepted🌺 Arab/American Princess👑💋No is NOT in my Vocabulary - 22
(Springfield, Your Private Residence only)
Sat 11 Jan
*YoUll HaVe FUN w/ Me!(;-->Im SO SeXy aNd TiiiiGhT As F***!(; *BaNgIn BoDy BlOnDiE!!** - 19
(Springfield, Springfield MO)
l ☆ TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdenT - 29
(Springfield, Incall & Outcalls)
***Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(centrally located INCALL / Outcalls TOO!, Springfield)
Fri 10 Jan
➲➲➲≡ M i S S ==== ✣==== B e L L a ===== B L a N c A =======T h E === B e s T ==== iN≡=== ToWn=≡➲➲➲➲ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield surrounding area)
Petite Young 🍒Sweetheart---✅ FORT WOOD✅ student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(Saint Robert Ft Wood, Springfield)
CURVY gorgeous ready and willing FUN $$$ in spfld limited time 2 girl dueos - 21
(Springfield, spfld in/out)
*¨¨*:.★ .:*¨¨* Attention FLW!!***!!! 120/ H H SPECIALS!! *¨¨*:.★ .:*¨¨* - 21
(Ft. Leonard Wood)
*¨¨*:.★ .:*¨¨* Attention FLW!!***!!! Blonde Barbie Doll *¨¨*:.★ .:*¨¨* - 21
(Ft. Leonard Wood)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D_____ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - - 33
Thu 09 Jan
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * 100 iN sPeCiAL - 28
(Springfield, N Springfield Incall/Outcalls)
100 Special ☆ 5 STAR ☆ ★ Leggz & Curves Sexy Brunette Killer Body ★ ☆ - 27
New Pics ☆ 5 STAR ☆ ★ Leggz & Curves Sexy Brunette Killer Body ★ ☆ - 27
Wed 08 Jan
100 SpEc ☆ 5 STAR Service ★ LONG Silky Leggz SEXY Curves Brunette HOTTIE ★ ☆ - 27
Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 20
(Springfield, West)
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» WeLL ReVieWeD ——» 100 HhR InCaLL - 28
(Springfield, South SPFD location In/Outcalls 24/7)
New in Town Come Join Me for some Fun!!!! you will love it }} - 22
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan
SeDuCtIvE BRuNeTTe ——» KiLLeR CuRVEs ——» AMaZiNg sKiLLs ——» WeLL ReVieWeD ——» WaITinG 4 YoU! - 29
(Springfield, South Spfd In/Outcalls)
KiLLeR CuRvEs [[LoNg SiLkY LeGs]] BeAuTiFuL BruNeTTe HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs! { 100 InCaLL } - 28
💋💥The Fanta§y R¡d€ߑ💥💋C💓M€ FaLL ¡N L0V€ W¡Th Th€ G®¡P of My L¡P§ߒˠ& ©u®v€§ of My H¡P§ - 30
(Springfield, N Spfd Incall & Spfd Outcalls 24/7)
♥ •T•° °•O•° °•P•° ____ °•O•° °•F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° ____ °•L• °•I•° °•N•°•E• ♥ - - - - 21
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
*~ *Specials tonite!!~ * GEORGROUS ~ BlOnDe BoMbShElL~DiScReeT~ UnRuShEd Service! - 24
(Springfield, springfield mo)
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan