Mon 27 Jan
(♥)T O P_*_N O T C H __*__ E S C O R T!! _*_R E V i E W S _*_TO _*_P R O V E __iT(♥) - 19
(Springfield, (♥) Ft. Leonard Wood/ St Robert)
§₩££t §£xy hottie hour special hot hot 60 special - 33
(Springfield, spgfld branson and other areas)
Sweet to the Core ▬ »Sensual & Erotic ★SpeCiaLs••• Real & Reviewed!! ((Few new PICS)) - 26
(Springfield, springfield ;-))
SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY **•★ AlL mE ClAsSy not TrAsHy ✹ *¨¨*:•.★ Evening Specials - 29
(Springfield, Springfield, and Surrounding)
SiNfUl PleAsUrEs & eRotiC tOuChEs! UnBeLiEvAbLe LiPs & AmAziNg hips!! *TRuCkEr fRieNdLy* - 27
(Springfield, Springfield & surrounding)
?sinfully sweet seductress ?
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
°•â¤â€¢Â° SEXY BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL °•â¤â€¢Â° KiSsAbLe P!nK L!pS * LoNg LeGs * SoFt TaN SkIn* - 23
(Springfield, ft.wood/st.roberts)
staying til wednesday leaving for Cali soon 65 hr incall and outcall - 33
(Springfield, spgfld/ branson)
SiMpLy ThE BeSt DoN't SeTtLe FoR LeSS !!Thick white mixed Cutie on Duty!! Brand New - 21
°SeXy*SweeT*BlOnDe* BoMbSHeLL○KIMBER KASH° ♡★417-368-7808*Great specialS - 26
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
: —————— ———————— —————————— ———————SEXY CHOCOLATE SWEETHEART— ——————— —————————— —————————— - 33
(St. Louis, airport area incalls only)
SUPER THICK ;) S U P E R - S T A C K E D ** P L A Y M A T E ** B I G - B 0 0 T Y*&*T i T S - - 24
••✿•STAR LIGHT SPECIAL 🌹✿•✰ LeT ✰ Me ✰ WorK ✰ My ✰ MaGiC ✰•✿••Super Sweet With lil Naughty - 26
(Springfield, springfield,and surrounding)
❄️Snow¥ D@¥ L£t M£ W@rm ¥ou Up Com£ Snuggl£ WithTh£ b£$t Blond£! ❄️ - 22
(Springfield, Springfield outcalls available)
◤♥◢ [SmOKiN hOt -CLICK HERE!!] •♥• [SWEET & PETITE] •♥•Blonde [BARBIE] ◤♥◢ - 20
(Springfield, Springfield can travel jop/bran)
SCRUMPTIOUS PLAYMATE!! Touch you, Tease you, Only I can Please you... #1 Blonde Super Freak!! - 21
(Springfield, Central)
PeTiTe BrUnEtTe brOwn SkinnEd ArM CanDy WhO KnoWs how To FuLfiLL YouR eVerY FanTasY! - 19
(Springfield, ft wood st robert area)
°o ♥ o° ——— ——— (( ✰★ * No * O†h€R * P_L_€_a_§_u_R_€ * CaN * M€a§uR€ uP* ★✰ )) ——— ——— °o ♥ o° - 26
(Columbia/Jeff City, CoMo BaBy)
NEW)HELLo im Laura, Happy Father's Day and I have late nite $peci@ls 4 @ll the R3@l F@TH#R$ - 23
(airport/earthcity / outcalls ok)
Newbie**** LOW Miles (short Ebony WELL Rounded)*****SUNDAY NOV 23 - 28
(Springfield, 65 & Battlefield)
S E X Y !!. ★ .HOTTIE•°.•____ -MUST _ SEE _ NO _ R U S H _ X O X O - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
Same Girl..... NEW Number, NEW Rates!!!!!!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,MO Anywhere u want me to be)
Outcall↪🔸HURRY dont miss me🔹✨Sexy Passionate Playmate back in Action in the Area ♥100$🔺🔻 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,republic,ozark,branson)
SeXXXy 🍒SiNFuLL🍑 SwEeT 💋✔EvE✔💋 OutcallONLY ☚☚417💋894💋3160 💋EvE💋 - 28
(Serving NOW Springfield & Surrounding, Springfield)
Sexy & Petite, Reviewed 100% Real & Verified, Visiting Now!!! - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, 1800 Overnight Specials Now--Sept. 8th)
SexY ExΘTiC✨BloNdE🌟BeAuTy ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD😘H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd $100 SpEcIaLs - 29
Real, recent photos Petite-Sexy- Long Hair- Friendly -Classy-Gorgeous- All Natural-Intelligent - 24
(Springfield, branson, ozark, Nixa & surrounding)
★☆—§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ ♚•☆•(52 inches oF Enjoyment) •☆• §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ •☆ All night long - 26
(Springfield, s.springfield)
°o♥ -▃ ▅ ▆ ♥ ♥*♥-:¦NATALIE ~*-:¦:-*• Sexy Hot Blonde *-:¦:-* Highly Reviewed ♥*-★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
👅💦Naughty Never Looked So Nice!! 👅💦 ILL TREAT U BETTER DEN HER ⇧& HER⇩ New!! Call Me!!💋💋 - 26
🎄🎁Santa stopped by early🎁🎄 smoking hot Christmas specials 40⬅️ cαℓℓ mε ησω - 37
(Spgfld private location, Springfield)
№➊. 🌟💯%Real Try Me! Seconds WILL Be A Preference!!🌟 👐 🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪WITH ME➬ - 23
(Incall specials, Kansas City)
))---- ► OnE of A KiND mixed HoTTIE •♥• UnRuSHeD aDULt pLaYTiME - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
no need to "sell your soul to the devil" to have a good time! Hell Yeahhh and hot pink sheets!!! - 47
(Springfield, incall/outcall)
¿ New Vegas College SweetHea®t ¿ ₩ÅtÇh ME MaKe MyseLf .... Super Bowl Sunday SpeciaLs - 25
(Springfield, Springfield outcalls)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ S_E_X _Y *UPSCALE* BRUNETTE HoTTiE❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ★ 100% REAL PICS ★ ★INCALL SpEcial's - 25
(Springfield, springfield/Incall PRIVATE PERSONAL HOME)
♥ Quality Playmate ♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ♥😊 - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
Non-Rushed Session with the Girl next door
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
•(S W € € †*† R € Å †) SAT¡SF¥ °Y Ø U R° ©RAV¡NG'S ----W¡th M €.. Exotic CaRAMeL 100% ReAL - 25
(Springfield, Springfield... In/Out)
****New pics****The MILF youve always fantasized about is here let me satisfy you now!... - 34