Mon 27 Jan
Sweet to the Core ▬ »Sensual & Erotic ★SpeCiaLs••• Real & Reviewed!! ((Few new PICS)) - 26
(Springfield, springfield ;-))
*STOP SCROLLING!—I—(♥) —W—A—N —T—(♥) —T—O (♥) B—E——(♥) Y—O—U—R (♥) —F—A—V—O—R—I T—E (♥) - 20
💋 S-E-X-Y, Sensual, & Erotic💄👠 💋 AVAILABLE NOW💄👠 💋 Classy,Clean,& Trusted Local Provider 💋 - 28
SwEEt Petite EaRLy ChRiStMaS TReAt, StArTiNg LaTe So Be My 1st Caller... FLaWLeSS FiGuRe - 23
(Springfield, Where Ever U Want Me. incall or out)
Specials SPEcials all day....great RaTES.. awesome SeRviCE!!!!! 50 meet n greet.. 100hr.. 150hr..
(incalls springfield/outcalls everywhere)
Newbie**** LOW Miles (short Ebony WELL Rounded)*****SUNDAY NOV 23 - 28
(Springfield, 65 & Battlefield)
Saturday's sessions are waiting all day and nite let's play!!!417-551-2398 - 29
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
♥ Quality Provider♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ✔✔ - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
rEdHoT!! sExY,tHiCk, sEdUcTiVe & SiNfULLy Swe3T! 75$pEcIaL. dOnT mIsSoUt! - 24
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, in/outcall)
NOVEMBER 18 th - 19th ONLY! ___Chrissy Kisses!!! ___ can't wait to see you :) ____ - 40
*New Pics*(_!_)BOOTYlicious RedHead"FiRe"{Highly Reviewed & Recommended} xGUARANTEEDxFUNx(_!_) - 37
**NeEdINg SumOnE To PuT YOuR MinD At EaSe N AiM To PleAsE?** Specials - 24
(Springfield, Springfield/Surrounding Areas)
Pretty red head bombshell 💁 ;p open-mind 💭 DO NOT rush my gentleman! 👌💦👍💯✔ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield!!)
!!Now!!WoW!!All 4 U... Better than the rest & Better than your best... !!Now!!WoW!! - 21
(Springfield, Springfield area)
{¡M €V€RYTH¡NG UR LØØK¡NG 4*} [•P_€_R_F_€_C_T _4_ PLEASURE] - 22
(Springfield, IN/ OUT CALL springfield)
hot southern chick the best in town ask about pics and lowest rates - 33
(Springfield, north Springfield)
¨*•- :☆💙 I.. KN◯W.. JUST..💛 H◯W.. T◯... 💖MAKє ... Y◯U.. 💋SMϊLє! ★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆**** - 23
(Springfield, St. Robert)
Hey guys 2 GIRLS are BETTER than 1 come have fun with BRANDY and MACY from OKLAHOMA!!!!(120 special) - 33
(Springfield, Springfield Branson and surrounding area)
GÈT ALITTLE §UGÅR & §PĪÇÈ IÑ YØUR LĪF€ TØÑigHT -*°★°*- †H€ ߀§T §kILLZ + Natural ߀@u†Y - 24
(Springfield, incall and out)
*HIGHLY ADDICTIVE* Have you ever titie-f#&ked; 36 DDD's??? ;) #1 provider💋💯 - 24
(Incall only Springfield, Springfield)
💎$fLd$ FiNe$t!💋 💯%REAL tOpNoTcH C💚MpAniOnShIp☆ SO SWEET,Others Cant Compete!💋AVAIL NOW - 28
(Springfield, $pfld&Surr.Areas;♥in/outcalls)
----- --- --- ---- --- Chocolate Makes A Great Late Night Snack ---- --- --- --- - - 20
(Springfield, ft.wood st.robert)
Sun 12 Jan
. *** 100% *** PuRe SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd *** SEXY *** COMPANION *** wItH 36DD **** - 28
Are you looking for a top notch Provider? I've got the skillz that will have you calling for More - 26
(Springfield, frt.wood / st. roberts)
Sat 11 Jan
▉▆★CauTION!!▉▆★DAjGEr0US cuRVES ▉▆★ SLIPPERY When W€t PROceed WitH CAUTION!" ▉▆★ ! - 25
°o♥o° CaRAMeL CuTIe ——(( *PURe PaSSION* ))—— No RuSh!! °o♥o° - 25
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson Area Outcalls)
Every Man's Fantasy Is Finally In Springfield! - 25
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
😛$50 SPECIALS😋 Last Week in Fort Leonard Wood ONLY 😁😁. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.👍😜 - 22
*+*WaNt ThE ULtImAtE (UNFORGETTABLE) *VIP* ExPeRiEnCe?? **UpALLnGhT** UnBeLiEvAbLe $pEcIaLz *+* - 25
sweet & petite little treat! Just 4 U. I will make u smile!!!! flawless frame + flexible. Shaved & f - 25
Spooky Specials Today! Ms. Taylor Very Classy 100 Special Today - 32
(Springfield, Springfield Outcall/Incall)
•::•.♥•: Let Me MAKE YOUR ♥ BEAT Independent ☆ BEAUTY :•.♥•::•. - 23
(Springfield, ft. wood, st roberts)
I'm In NKC $80 INCALL SPECIAL Life is a lot more fun WITH Miss ANNA Banana!! call now 816-372-1257 - 22
❖✨ Ι◈η◈ʈ◈ɵ◈χ◈Ι◈₵◈α◈ʈ◈Ι◈ɳ◈₲ ❖✨฿ʀυπεττε ฿εαυτφ ω/α §маскаɓℓε ฿ɵɵτγ👋 ↳Аναɪɭɑɓɭε ②④∕⑦ ☎ ₵αℓℓ ηοω✨ - 30
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
💝38E,pierced tongue and kinky 💝 *new pictures* 60hh special until midnight - 20
(Springfield, south Springfield (UPSCALE HOTEL))
cUtiE w/a bOoTy & i'M aLL aLoNe! CoMe pLaY wItH mE! $pEcIaLs aLLdAy&NiGhT; dOn'T mIsSoUt! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,Mo)
Fri 10 Jan
SweeT Lil BarBie Girl for ALL your Wildest Desires... ((GOOD DEALS & DaM GooD T¡Me!! - 25
(Springfield, Guarantee you will love me & our time 2.)
Well REVIEWED ❥ ——--——▓►#1 K.C. Kara❤ Barbie doll◄▓----❤Busty Lil VIXEN ————❥ - 25
(Springfield, S-field Outcall/north in call)
Petite Young 🍒Sweetheart---✅ FORT WOOD✅ student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(Saint Robert Ft Wood, Springfield)
Discrete casual Encounters Escort Service is under new name and new management - 21
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
Blonde 👱Hottie with a BODY➡Abs, Ass, & Legs➡TIGHT & TONED! 《new lingerie , c-u-m see me in it--NOW 😘》 - 28
(incall/ outcall ●Local Provider●, Springfield)
*{150}SP*-* LOOKS☆ GOOD☆ FEELS ☆ EVEN ☆ BETTER **{150}SP* - 21
2 BaD BaRbIeS Wh0 ArE INT0 EaÇhø†HeR!! 2 CoLLeGe CuTieS WiTh ToNeD B00TIĒS ★ GooD EnOuGh 4 MoViEs;) - 22
(Springfield, Springfield republic)
( ($75 SpECiAL) ) #1 ♥ SWEEt ~ N~ sEXy ShAy!! (( ☆ )) yUMMy ALL-AMERICAN BaBe!! - 23
(Springfield ☆ IN / OUT)