Mon 27 Jan
SaSSy'S PLaYinG In SpRinGFieLd Til FRI MoRniNg!! DoNt MiSS OuT!!!!! XOXO - 38
(Springfield, Springfield Til Friday Morning Baby!!!)
REVIEWED ((100 @ HaLf ★ Incall & Out GÉT TRÉÅTÊD R¡GHT ★ Leaving L@†ÈR T0D@Ÿ - 23
(Springfield, Spfld til 1 ;))
New#🍬Somethin Sweet 4 U🍬Nice Cak🍰s 🍬 Amazingly Th🍫ck 🍬 100%Me 🍬 No Other Girl COMPARES❌ - 22
(87th bannister, south kc, grandview area, Kansas City)
♥ LOV€LY LaDY LuMPs ♥ ((SexY)) »» CaRaMEL B0Y_T0Y «« ((H0TT)) *PLeaSuRe N0W* - 25
(Springfield, Springfield In or Out)
💙💙🆕 Here From Dallas, We Do It Best💦💦 TRUST☝️ SammySosa👩💄💋 BEAUTIFUL💃 Most Requested😻😻 Jaw Dropping🆕💙 - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, Anywhere I need to be;)))
☆ ((( •♥• H0T & K¡NKY CaRaMEL BØMBSHeLL •♥• )))__WAITING FOR YOU•: ☆ - 25
(Springfield, Springfield In/Out)
FLW + MiSs mE? HeRe 4 TwO WeEkS!! +*+ UnFoRgEtTaBLe SuNdAy SpEcIaLs *+*eXoTiC MiX* Mz.NiKKi* - 26
(Springfield, *+FLW+*BaBy!!)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
2 Sexy 💣Thick 💣2 Exotic 💣 2 Brunette's 💣 2 Girls Miss S💦Q💦U💦I💦R💦T💦 & Makayla - 26
(Springfeild Mt. Vernon, Springfield)
SaS$y cOuNtRy cUtiE wItH a B()()ty! $80 out cAll $pecial! tRuCkEr fRiEnDLy - 28
(Out CaLL Springfield, Springfield)
💝38E,pierced tongue and kinky 💝 *new pictures* 60hh special until midnight - 20
(Springfield, south Springfield (UPSCALE HOTEL))
💝38E,pierced tongue and kinky 💝 *new pictures* 60hh special until 5pm - 20
(Springfield, south Springfield (UPSCALE HOTEL))
Fri 10 Jan
Chelsea bee😘😍here visiting Branson mo💙🌏💍inCall or OutCall , Mexican && white - 19 - 19
(Branson, Mo, Springfield)
*** (Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (U_S_) *** - 20
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD MO #we DO IT BEST#)
I got a friend Petite *¨¨*•. ✿ .•*¨¨* La La Luscious *¨¨*•. ✿ .•*¨¨* Sweet ** - 24
(Springfield, springfield/ outcalls)
BUlLT➋ PLEASE👌♚ βrυπεττε Cυτiε w/ α βσστγ ♚╠╣αNDS Down T╠╣e BEST ArⓞuN★ωεℓℓ ʀɛɤɪɛωεɗ Cαℓℓ➜80 InCaLL - 30
(Springfield, North Spfd Incall/Outcalls 24/7-80Incall)
Thu 09 Jan
***M!Ss R0S3 &&& M!sS RA3 AR3 BACK !N T0WN N3W P!CS**** - 23
(Springfield, fortleonardwood/st.robert/waynesville)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Playtime Gents! Let a real lady rock your world🌹417-612-0499-34 - 34
(Springfield, Springfield& surrounding areas)
Not One Not Two But A Three Girl Late Nite Snack To Calm Your Late Night Craving - 32
(Springfield, springfield,mo sunshine and 65)
Mi$$ a$hley!!! ::--/// 2 girl specials $$ late night... --:/// ;100/;::-80--/: :;;/// $$ - 24
(Springfield, *springfield* ft.leonard wood*)
**2 G00d g!rlS G0n3 BaD R3ady && w@iting 4 u one or both - 23
(Springfield, fortleonardwood/st.robert/waynesville)
'Awsha' is here in ur city.. ALL DAY & NIGHT $60 specials.+ 2 GIRLS..playwmykitty - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Mo, surrounding Areas)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Springfield‼️ YOUR #1 Playmate 💟 BACK & Ready for FUN 🎉 💞 Busty & petite Available 🏪‼️ - 22
(Springfield, Springfield 🏪Incall Only.)
Well REVIEWED BUSTY🔴🔷⚜Babe №➊ 🔴🔷⚜ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ&ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ🔴🔷⚜BIG BOOTY🔴🔷⚜GODDESS🔴🔷⚜ - 27 - 27
(Springfield, Springfield(south))
Sat 04 Jan
.*•°…Hot Sexy Awsome Women thats CASSIE and the fablous 5 treat urself you deserve it…°•.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding area)
Fri 03 Jan
~*~ The ~*~ Best ~*~ Doctor ~*~ In Town ~*~ With The Best Talent !!!!! ~*~ - 25
(Springfield,Mt. Vernon, Branson,)
Thu 02 Jan